White Asparagus Cream

The white asparagus cream is a springtime favourite. Due to its tenderness and rich flavour, this is a spectacular recipe that will not leave any of your guests indifferent.

Additionally, this white asparagus cream is ideal for menopause, as asparagus is a food which is rich in folic acid, such as dairy products like milk (in its proper measure) and helps to complete the recommended daily dose of calcium.


We will need:

  • One onion
  • A bunch of fresh white asparagus
  • One cup of our vegetable broth
  • A splash of semi-skimmed, non-lactose milk
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt



It is important to clean the asparagus well before lighting the stove. For this purpose, use a peeler to peel all the asparagus well until the hardest parts have been removed. Additionally, we will detach one finger from the base of the asparagus. Once the asparagus has been cleaned, cut it into small pieces and place them aside.

In a casserole dish, over medium-low heat, poach our previously chopped onion with olive oil and wait until it starts to cook and then add our chopped asparagus.

Once everything is well-cooked and salted, add our home-made vegetable broth and let our cream cook slowly for half an hour.

When our cream starts smelling wonderfully and all the vegetables are well mixed and cooked, we will whip everything with a hand whisk until we obtain a smooth mixture. Additionally, add a dash of semi-skimmed, non-lactose milk and finish whipping the entire mixture until the desired level of softness is achieved.

If we want to add a little sparkle to our cream, we can add the tops of some of our already cleaned asparagus. Cutting them into thin strips and frying them with a dash of oil will produce some crispy and tasty asparagus to add to our cream.

All we have to do now is serve this delicious cream and enjoy such an exquisite delicacy, try it with our gluten-free bread!